- proper safety equipment. Even so, injuries can still occur, whether due to equipment failure or user error.
- Vehicular accidents. Trucks, tractors, forklifts, and other large vehicles are helpful, but they can be dangerous if mishandled. Not only might they be classified as “heavy machinery,” but their mobility introduces a whole other set of potential concerns. These include collision accidents, rollover, and malfunction, which can all lead to injury of the user and/or surrounding employees.
- Burns due to fires and explosions can be pretty severe. This may be a concern if you work with machinery that generates excessive heat or friction, or if you regularly handle combustible chemicals.
- Overexertion and repetition. Lifting or moving heavy objects can take a toll on your body. Improper or repetitive lifting can ultimately cause serious damage to your spine and the muscles in your back. But overexertion can happen in the office as well. Even something as simple as writing or typing at your desk can strain your wrists, leading to carpal tunnel syndrome.
- So many things today are powered by electricity. If something goes wrong or if not handled correctly, electricity can be dangerous. Even non-lethal electrocution may cause burns or muscular pain.
- Falling objects. This is especially prevalent in construction. Builders wear a hard hat to protect their head from debris and dropped items: hardware, tools, materials, etc. But hard hats and other similar protective measures are not always 100% reliable. It’s important to be cautious in areas that are at risk of falling objects.
Worker injury is complex and often frustrating. Be sure to know and protect your rights as an employee, especially if you believe the company is at fault. Reach out to Collier Law for legal advice and representation. Our experienced attorneys will guide you through the process and make sure that you are properly compensated. Contact us today!
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